Minggu, 27 April 2014

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Advice I would give to a friend who had become pregnant outside of marriage and would kill herself is:

I would prevent her from doing it, then I will let her calm to get back to her senses. After she calmed down, I would talk to her "you know, if the world hasn't ended even though you are in a state like that. Stay of your life, let your child stay alive in the womb and was born into this world. You can still live a happy life. Later asked the responsibility of your boyfriend. Tell him if he dares to do so must be brave to recognisance. Regret your actions. Apologize to the parents and all of you dissapoint. Promise you will not repeat the bad deeds again.
And the last I will try to always support her, so she doesn't feel alone in this world.

Wiwi Kusmiarti

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 31: Nouns Functionings as Adjectives
1. Twelve-stories
2.  Language
3. Three-act
4. Two-day
5. 79-piece
6. Five-shelf
7. 16-ounce
8. Six-quart
9. Brick
10. Ten-speed

Exercise 32:  Enough
1. Enough people
2. Enough French
3. Enough time
4. Fast enough
5. Soon enough
6. Early enough
7. Hard enough
8. Slowly enough
9. Enough flour
10. Enough books

Exercise 33: Because/Because of
1. Because
2. Because
3. Because of
4. Because
5. Because of
6. Because of
7. Because
8. Because of
9. Because
10. Because of

Exercise 34 : So/Such
1. So
2. Such
3. So
4. Such
5. So
6. So
7. Such
8. So
9. Such
10. Such
11. So
12. So
13. Such
14. So
15. So

Mini-Test 2
  1.  B             11. A      21. A      31. A      41. C
  2.   B             12. A      22. A      32. A      42. B
  3. B             13. A      23. D      33. B      43. B
  4. A             14. C      24. 8       34. A      44. A
  5. C             15. A      25. C      35. C      45. B
  6. C             16. B      26. C      36. D      46. B
  7. C             17. A      27. A      37. B      47. D
  8. A             18. C      28. C      38. B      48. A
  9. C             19. D      29. B      39. C      49. B
  10. A             20. A      30. B      40. B      50. A

    Nama : Wiwi Kusmiarti
    NPM : 27211460
    Kelas : 3EB09